In lieu of our Fall Block Party this year we have decided to do a "Halloween Stroll!"
This event is for all those who would like to participate in:
- A Costume Contest
- A Pumpkin Carving/Decorating/Carving Contest and
- A Socially Distant Trick-or-Treating opportunity for kids
A few event tidbits:
- October 31st from 3:00-4:30pm - Blairview (East of Boedecker)
Each treat distribution station will have a 6' distance between the person distributing the treat and your child. There will be ample room between each house to distance between each treat station.
- The candy and snacks will be funded by the Neighborhood Association and opened new from the bags for distribution. All volunteers will be wearing gloves.
- There will be treat stations that are "nut free."
- There will be a photo station for you to take pictures if you would like to.
- There will be bottled water, otherwise BYOB.
- If you are participating in the Pumpkin Decorating/Carving contest you will do that prior to the event and bring it with you for display and judging.
- If you have any blow up yard decorations that you would like to loan for a few hours for the event please email the Social Chairs listed below.
Please contact the Social Chairs of the Neighborhood Association for any questions or interest in volunteering!
Jennifer Griffin - OR
Shannon Schaffler -